
Showing posts from December, 2015


The last project of rotation is "Editorial" with Luke. It's our first time to draw depend on an article. We had  2 articles to do. The first article is about Squatters.   1.Squatters, homeless people and empty buildings---use labyrinth(the road in the drawing) to show how hard if the homeless people want to find a place to live in. 2.Squatters, homeless people and empty buildings---the people in the drawing is the reflection, there is something(maybe a window or glass) obstruct the people, so they cannot touch the buildings.I even try to draw each building on a people's reflection, so it's matching. The second article is about surfing.  I did some lines drawing first. These images are all about waves, how exciting the sport is, and good waves make a good contest, crummy waves make contest unwatchable.  I try to include 2 opposite scenes in one drawing. I drew waves shapes from "roller...


So, it's our rotation project now. The first on of our group is "people and places" with jay. The primer task is to find a place you are familiar with or you want to know in London, and stay there try to feel that atmosphere, to see the people. Do the drawing, writing, 30 pages about everything of the place. EAT TOKYO I picked the 'Eat Tokyo' first (the one in Holborn). It's a Japanese restaurant. My friend and I go there after each assessment, so it's like a little celebration to us. You can tell how much I love this place. I went there again for the primer task and tried to record everything about it. The people, the food, or the environment. However, after the briefing on Friday, I had changed my mind, as our aim is drawing an illustration to introduce the places in London to next year's students. I thought a restaurant may not be the best choice, so I plan to draw a bookshop 'Forbi...