The last project of the second year is '2060' We are asked to think about what the people in 2060 want us to do now to influence the future as designers. This is the first time our 3 majors worked together. The whole 8 weeks project include many workshops, events related. Basically about society, food, catastrophe. At the very beginning, I just simply draw something about 'future', really random, abstract drawing without too much thinking, the architecture, people...etc. 3 main workshops 'community'—equal Our group idea is about 'equal', people become more equal in 2060, no matter what your skin colour, nationality, race, age...etc The plan for the event is: Let our groupmate wear the 'white suit', provide materials of pens, pencils, crayons, oil paintings, coloured paper fabric, balloons. Make the audience draw, shape these 'models' whatever they want to express how they think 'What do p...